8th Grade
Area of Focus
This class is the second portion of the Carnegie unit for Spanish 1. After this course students receive high school credit and continue to develop skills from the year before.
Students will be able to
- Exchange simple spoken and written information in Spanish
- Conduct brief oral and written exchanges in Spanish
- Demonstrate understanding of simple spoken and written language presented through a variety of media in Spanish
- Present information orally and in writing containing a variety of vocabulary phrases and patterns
- Identify perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures where Spanish is spoken
Vocabulary topics students will be able to discuss are…
- Meals and food
- Asking questions
- Numbers 20-1,000,000
- Clothing and shopping
- Places and events
- Getting around town
- Restaurant
- Describing a house, household items and furniture
- Planning a party
- Chores
Grammar points students will utilize…
- -er, -ir verbs
- The verb gustar
- Possessive adjectives
- Comparatives
- Direct object pronouns
- Stem changing verbs
- Ser vs estar