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8th Grade | Health
Areas of Focus
- Provide first aid in an emergency situation
- Analyze the influence of media and technology on health related behaviors
- Analyze the influence of peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on safe behaviors
- Utilize decision making and communication skills for protection from violent situations
- Establish a list of personal health goals and develop a plan for achieving each
- Summarize protective practices for infectious and noninfectious disease
- Scrutinize messages that promote alcohol consumption and practice strategies for personal safety as
it relates to alcohol
- Describe the effects of alcohol on the individual and community and identify community resources
for help with alcohol abuse
- Create a healthy diet based on personal goals and the US Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- Implement healthy decision making skills with interpersonal relationships and social media
- Describe the relationship between abstinence, self-esteem, and reduced risk of pregnancy and STD'S
- Describe the circulatory and digestive system