What are Restorative Practices?
Restorative Principles
Relationships are central to building an effective school community.
Restorative practices assist with building relationships and developing a caring school climate.
All stakeholders (students, teachers, administrators, staff, parents, etc.) are valued and critical to the success of the school.
Students' voices are included when determining the types of values we expect at Lanier Middle.
Addressing misbehavior without damaging relationships is a priority.
District and school policies are enforced while fostering appropriate relationships and accountability.
Restorative practices explore the reason(s) for the behavior, not just the outcome.
Exploring the harm done, not just rule-breaking, encourages behavioral growth.
Misbehavior has a ripple effect involving multiple people and relationships.
Solutions should include those affected through mediation or other restorative practices.
Discipline processes need to leave room for addressing perceived injustices, particularly those who are victimized or hurt by the initiating behavior.
Giving voice builds a stronger community.
Immediate safety is a priority for all parties.
Allowing those harmed to have a voice is critical to the restorative process.
Collaboration enables creative problem solving.
Students choose behaviors to meet the need for belonging, freedom, power, and fun.
Restorative practices help students build a capacity to appropriately meet these needs.
Rule-breaking can become a teachable moment if all parties participate.
Empowering change and student growth are desired outcomes.
The school-based team strives to help students identify needs and provide alternatives for getting needs met.
Students have difficulty navigating social situations and interpersonal relationships. These components are highlighted in the restorative approach.
Restorative practices help students improve listening, reflection, trust, self-awareness, and self-advocacy skills.
Taking responsibility for one's actions becomes a pivotal moment of growth.
Responsibility comes from self-awareness and the ability to understand how our actions can impact others.
Consequences are reasonable, related to the offense, restorative, and respectful.
Students need adult support and guidance as they develop decision-making and become more accountable.
These principles are inspired by: https://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/sites/default/files/Restorative%20Practice%20Handouts.pdf
Restorative Practices | Examples
Peer mediation- Typically conducted by the counselor to allow student voice and collaborative conflict-resolution.
Restorative Circles- These can be in large or small groups. The purpose is to restore relationships through equal sharing of concerns and offering of solutions.
Restorative Reflection- Independent activity to acknowledge the misbehavior and feelings at the time, to provide an opportunity to reflect on options, to consider who was affected, and to develop options for positive behavior in the future.
- Positive Check Ins- Encouraging and recognizing students who have made the desired changes and shown improvement is a vital piece to restoring trust and developing positive relationships.